Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Opps for 2013

Thank you to a couple of you that responded to yesterday's email regarding the wheelchairs.  Just wanting to share the heavenly reward!

Below, a graphic of short-term and internship opportunities.  If you want more information, and attend one of our supporting churches, talk to your pastor...they should already have this information.  Just one clarification...the internship opps are for high school graduates and older.  In many cases, you can gain academic credit for the 6-week formal experiences.

Speaking of supporting churches, check out this one!  The Chapel, Sandusky Ohio.

Quote of the Day:  The gift of words is for communion. We need to learn the nature of communion. This requires the risk of revelation - letting a piece of myself be exposed, this mystery of who I am. If I stand here mute, you have no idea what is going on with me. You can look at me, measure me, weigh me, test me, but until I start to talk you do not know what is going on inside, who I really am. If you listen and I am telling the truth, something marvelous starts to take place - a new event.
Eugene H. Peterson. Subversive Spirituality (p. 179).

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