Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Donations Accepted

Just got word that we can go pick up another 20 wheel chairs, but we have to pay for them first.  $12 per chair x 20 = $240.   If you want to help out, let me know!  Check out a report and video of our last event http://ow.ly/eaxKe

In nearly simultaneous fashion, Tina sent out the same request.  Great minds...  Check out her blog HERE.

I got quite a response on yesterday's post...I suspect a bunch of PCS alumni checked in!  Please continue to be in prayer for the Villa de las Flores Church, as they deal with this traumatic situation.

The top 200 Christian blogs, rated as by Twitter followers: click HERE.  Interesting stuff.

Below...an adaptation of Corban U's World Outreach Week (WOW) logo to be used for t-shirts.  Actually Sam sent them four different options, this being one.

Quote of the Day: The situation we have just described— the disconnection of life from faith, the absence from our churches of Jesus the teacher— is not caused by the wicked world, by social oppression, or by the stubborn meanness of the people who come to our church services and carry on the work of our congregations. It is largely caused and sustained by the basic message that we constantly hear from Christian pulpits. We are flooded with what I have called “gospels of sin management,” in one form or another, while Jesus’ invitation to eternal life now— right in the midst of work, business, and profession— remains for the most part ignored and unspoken.  Willard, Dallas. The Divine Conspiracy (p. 57). Harper Collins, Inc..

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