Sunday, June 24, 2012

Baptisms 2012

I've often said that baptismal services are among my favorites. This morning we met at the church early, around 7 a.m., and boarded a bus and several vehicles for a trip to a swimming park to celebrate our church baptisms.

A total of 31 people were baptized, 13 from the first church and 18 from the second.  Our day began with worship, a devotional (well, sermon really) from Martín, then a sharing time when each baptismal candidate shared the reason why they desired to be baptized.  There is really only one good reason as to why someone would want to be baptized...that they understand Jesus died on the cross as their perfect substitute, giving them life and taking their death, rising again the third day.  And that they believe this.

There is perhaps no more inspiring service than to visibly see people whose lives have been transformed by the message of the gospel, by the person of Christ.

An extra special day was made even more significant because two of our kids, Cathy and David, took this important step today!  Here are some pictures.

Check out Myhiah's blog too!

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