Monday, August 08, 2011

Kid's Club started out with a bang today, with somewhere around 80 kids. The students were divided into 4 different groups, 3-5 years old, 6-8, 9-12 and youth group. Marta, a very organized and committed lady from our church, organized it all, with a whole lot of participation from the church family, as well as support from the Fremont Alliance team. It was an exciting start to what promised to be a wild week!

After a tasty meal, we piled into three vans, and headed UP to Paso de Cortez, what has become a frequent day trip for us. After negotiating with a local combi driver, our caravan began, and I, of course, told the story of the last time we went between the volcanoes...Fabian and the oil pan story!

I've included some pictures below.

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