Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Good news to all peoples

We are gearing up for a fun day here in the Fry house...probably around 20-25 people in the house till the day's over, and the day won't be over until probably 6 a.m. tomorrow! Mayra is making tasty Mexican Christmas punch in a huge pot, I made my famous seafood pasta, and we've ordered about 12 lbs. of pork roast.

Good news! This past Sunday, after singing Christmas carols to maybe 12-15 houses and finishing out in an open market area, we cruised up to Sam and Aurora's place. They live on the edge of civilization, in the country, and we quickly got a bonfire roaring with a lot of dry shrubs that a couple of the young people gathered from around the area.

During that time, sitting by the fire, Sam and I had the opportunity to talk to Iris and her husband Miguel. Miguel has been impacted by the changes he has seen in his wife, a Christian since last summer. He also was trucking with Iris's uncle last week, who happens to be a Christian. As we began talking over roasted marshmallows, Miguel said he wanted to commit his life to Christ, to trust in Him. What a great Christmas gift to us! who have been praying for this family. The angels, again, rejoiced this Christmas season.

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