Friday, May 28, 2010

Orientation Mexico City

This year´s internship started officially this past Wednesday, with Jacklyn, Camron, Andrea and Micah arriving within 2 hours of each other at Mexico City's airport. Tiffany Taylor is also part of the internship, and David Gomez came along as well.

The first night we walked down to the zocalo, inside the National Cathedral, and ate...well, Chinese food, at a little Chinatown near the hotel where we're staying. Then we introduced Camron to Settlers of Catan. Micah already knew how to play, and David Gomez also played. I won't mention who won, as this would be a tremendous lack of humility on my part.

Yesterday, after a quick breakfast and a singing and devotional time, we took a FULL subway ride one stop to a transfer station, then another 4 stops on the pink line to Chapultepec Castle. We hiked up to the top, visited the museum there, then had lunch in the park.

After another orientation time at Sanborns and their wonderfully strong coffee, the group decided that we wanted to watch a movie...Robin Hood, actually. We finished off the night with some tacos al pastor.

Today we had breakfast on our own...Camron just found me at the hotel computer here and said he had WAY too many tacos last night, that he doesn't even feel hungry. As far as I can tell, Camron and Micah are pretty much always hungry. Today, after a devotional given by Tiffany, we're off to the Basilica of Guadalupe, to more adequately understand the devotion given to Mary and the priorty that she has in Mexican Catholicism (#1).

Please continue to pray for my family, as I miss them a bunch, and as Mayra continues to have a very full schedule every day without my help right now.

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