Yesterday I received a text message from David Gomez in the morning stating that his father was having a heart attack...then another message an hour later saying that he had died. I called David, and sobbing he related to me how his father had had some issues related to diabetes and his kidneys and dialisis, and how he had died of a heart attack. Lots of doctor error. Could I take him his guitar and Bible? Of course. David's father Alejandro was 60 years old.
I drove up to Ciudad Azteca, to the hospital and spent some time with him and his family. Chuck Topp, a fellow missionary with whom David had ministered for 5-8 years, also came. After a while I returned home. Later that day, 11 of us from the church drove the 90+ minutes from Ixtapaluca to Ecatepec...arriving around 10:30 p.m. David was singing and sharing from God's word. After a service that ended after midnight, Martin and I had a rather animated conversation with Cesear, David's brother. Cesear is about as different from his brother as is possible...he came to the viewing half drunk, was shouting outside during the service, and worships La Santa Muerte, literally "the holy death," a bizarre not-so-new religious tendency in Mexico. I don't have time to go into all of that here, but suffice it to say that it's not good! Martin is a master, and between the two of us we shared the gospel with Cesear and his friend Ivan.
Finally returned here around 2:30 a.m. Miguel and Tania's 3 kids, as well as our 3 kids, were all asleep on various beds and couches. Alberto and Crystal were watching a marathon session of 24. It was a long day...we were glad to be home! 10 people slept here last night.
Today...we leave in a little bit for the funeral service near Chapultepec, Avenida Constituyentes...about 2 hours from here.
David this past summer helping out with sports ministry.

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