Thursday, October 16, 2008

What We Need...and what we don't...and what really matters

Well, the Phillies won the NLCS...I remember (barely) in 1980 when they won the World Series. I saw the very end of the game last night, switching back and forth from the Mexico-Canada world cup qualification match (Mexico squeezed by with a tie 2-2). By the way...the rest of the world cares far more about soccer than about baseball or football (American football, that is). It's always amazing when I try to check out stats or game updates for soccer on U.S.-based websites. I really have to hunt for anything about soccer. Right up there with golf, bowling and water polo.

By they way, there are only three countries in the world that do NOT use the metric system. The U.S., and two small oscure countries in Asia. I read an article in Foreign Affairs magazine about how the U.S. is still the first world power, but not the only one, and will need to adjust the way it relates to the rest of the world in order to benefit from, and not be jeopardized by, the "rise of the rest."

But you know, I really struggle these days with American nationalism. In spite of living the last 15 or so years outside of the U.S., I really care about my country. I really care about the fact that in the next 4 years, 3 Supreme Court justices will very likely resign, and the implications that has. I care about the moral fiber of a nation that has lived for a long time now enjoying the benefits of a constitution and rule of law with foundations in Judeo-Christian thought. Still reaping the results of the faith of others...what fruit will we be reaping for the wild oats we have sown in recent generations? Not good fruit.

Though I am tempted (and I use that word in the biblical sense), I am tempted to get totally caught up in the political process of these elections, I am keenly aware that what we need as a country and as individuals is not political. It is divine. We need an outpouring of God and His Spirit on our country. We need Jesus. We do not need intervention in our markets, but rather intervention in our souls. We need to be broken by His brokenness for us on the cross, and awed by His holy power.

Interesting that the church is usually stronger where its political power is weak or non-existent. Even here in Mexico, being a Christian means being in the minority. That's a good thing for the faith. It fosters dependency.

No man can serve two masters. If he loves the one, he hates the other. What, or who, does the American church love, to what is it most drawn to and captivated by? The person of Jesus Christ? Or political influence?

In 20 years, or 200, or 2000, or 20,000...what will matter?

Quote of the Day:
"We must be global Christians with a global vision because our God is a global God."
--John Stott

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