We'll be talking, among other things, about two new church plants in the works for the next two years. Also involving a bunch of men in everything from directing services to teaching youth to preaching, in the case of one man.
There's always a certain risk in presenting plans for the next three years...because presenting them commits you, and the possibility of course exists that the plans could be changed radically...or even fail. But the option is much more bleak, even more risky. Who wants to be part of any organization that seems to be going nowhere? Where there is no vision, the people perish...or leave, or become bored and lapse into mediocrity, or cease to live by faith, or...
Claudia was going to be operated on this morning at 9 a.m. Alberto mentioned last night that subsequently she'll be undergoing chemo and radiation treatments. Pray also for her daughters. Noemi, the oldest daughter, was crying this morning, missing her mom.
Quote of the Day:
Imaginary evil is romantic and varied; real evil is gloomy, monotonous, barren, boring. Imaginary good is boring; real good is always new, marvelous, intoxicating. Simone Weil, as quoted in Heaven, by Randy Alcorn
Dad with Cathy and best friend Luz.
La Biblia dice en Proverbios 15:22:
Cuando falta el consejo, fracasan los planes;
cuando abunda el consejo, prosperan.
en Proverbios 20:18…
Afirma tus planes con buenos consejos;
entabla el combate con buena estrategia.
y en Proverbios 21:5…
Los planes bien pensados: ¡pura ganancia!
Los planes apresurados: ¡puro fracaso!
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