Alberto knocked on a door at around 6 a.m. this morning. He left Puebla, about 2 hours away on bus, sometime around 5 p.m. yesterday afternoon...and finally got here at 6 a.m.!!! A town along the toll road had blocked off traffic, causing a stand-still for hours. Finally the bus was able to turn around and take a VERY round-about route into Mexico City via Texcoco. Alberto arrived at the Mexico City bus station after the last buses had stopped running, and had to wait till 5 a.m. till the subway system started up. A two hour trip turning into a 13 hour oddesey.
Claudia returns home after being in the hospital since Monday night, and her major surgery on Thursday. She apparently is encouraged. Many church members are planning on being at her house when she arrives at around 6:30.
Our church planning meeting on Thursday was animated, with plans to start the beginnings of two new plants in 2009 and 2010. Lots of other plans. There were 8 of us, several men couldn't make the meeting.
I spoke to Cliff Johnson from Woodside Bible Church, Troy MI, at length yesterday via Skype. Sounds like it's going to be an awesome time with 24 or so young adults in December, including a complete band.
Pray for youth meeting today at 4, music practice at 6:30, a welcome time for Claudia at 6:30, then services tomorrow at 10:00. Pray that we'd all fit in our little church...and that we'd all go tomorrow...which is a very difficult combination of events.
Olympic update: Mexico: 2 gold medals, 1 bronze.
Quote of the Day:
If I could pull up a chair beside you right now, I would want to look you in the eyes and tell you how pivotally important my next words are. Christianity is not just about keeping the rules. It is even more than living to deepen your relationship with Jesus. Authentic Christianity, the real deal, is about embracing all of these elements and using them as a resource to actively and intentionally engage your world with acts of love that show off Jesus. Joseph Stowell, The Trouble with Jesus, p. 108 (italics author's)
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