Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Yesterday Sports and July 4th

Here's a July 4th pic of a poster we made...Bill says "It's July 4th, I can't believe it!

Yesterday two clubs happened, not sure of the attendance of the first club because I was at the airport, but attendance was great at the second club, 18 for basketball, 38 for soccer and 6 or 7 for volleyball.

Got a note from Charles Wright, with the group in Guadalajara. Apparently they've given the guys, Charles, Jon and Jordan, permission to use an old car. Charles didn't go into a whole lot of details, other than the car has secrets, and they just about got themselves killed, knowing them they probably just about died laughing.

Today is July 4th, Independence Day. Not sure if I would necessarily even rememember except for the fact that we have 20 Americans here. We are doing hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill for lunch, then will try to hunt for some fireworks for later on tonight.

Pray for us, please, as we get through this week with still many, many activities and people, particulary for Mayra, as she prepares dinner every day for so many people.

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