Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Rain, Rain Go Away

Thanks for those of you who have been praying for Aurora's parents. It would appear that the majority of the heavy rains missed them, although the rain continues, and another storm system is moving in from the Gulf of Mexico.

An update on the property...basically we are in stand-by mode, as we await a definitive decision by the municipality as the property borders (actually the second one), and also continue to raise more funds. Right now we have no money and no official, definitive decision on where the boundaries of our property are. Nevertheless, much has already been done, for which we thank God.

Though provoking article by Neil Cole on his blog. Click HERE. I happen to agree with him.

Below, another video by a Bible Church in Guadalajara, Iglesia Bíblica Gracia, to help in raising funds for their church roof project. Watch it the whole way to the end, it's short,with a surprise ending.

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