Monday, September 17, 2012

Who are You? Why Do You Do What You Do?

On Sunday we handed out all the 25 banners that were printed out kicking off our "Be Born Again!" campaign. Saturday evening during men's meeting we came up with a lot of other creative ideas to communicate our message in the neighborhood. An opinion that kept surfacing was that people need to understand we are a Christian church and not a sect. People apparently have been wondering why we've been walking around the neighborhood praying for them...except they aren't aware that we're praying for them.  Maybe we're being more postmodern than we need to be?

You definitely need to check out Neil Cole's blog Cole-Slaw.  He's just co-written a book that I'm looking forward to reading, Church Transfusion.

I just bought The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard as a Kindle e-book.  Just so cool to have all of those books in one compact device!  Hopefully I don't end up re-buying my entire library...that could run into some money!

Don't miss the video at the bottom of this post.

I was privileged to preach this Sunday.  Here's the last summary slide:

La vida a que Jesús nos llama es RADICAL

•Vivimos cuando  morimos
•Ganamos cuando perdemos
•Los últimos serán los primeros
•Los pobres serán los ricos
•Los humildes serán los exaltados

Finally...a reminder to us and the Valtierras that our daughters are growing up!!

Short video below...Go!
David Platt and Matt Carter interview

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