Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Hot Water

Stephen Predtechenskis arrives today...so yesterday we were making sure he has at least a minimum amount of food, and clean sheets.  Also...hot water!  Yes, we managed to resurrection the hot water heater.  I could tell some stories about lighting these.  About three days before our wedding, I almost lost my eyebrows and eyelashes.  But anyway...  Speaking of water...we haven't had hardly any water pressure for the last several days.  This morning I managed to get a shower, and good thing I did, too, because afterwards I wouldn't have been able to.

But before Stephen arrives, a FAMEX meeting at the airport to talk about our friends who are already on the field, and plans for this next year.  One of the plans that I will propose is to do a missionally-focused conference that talks about non-traditional methods to reach out...like sports, music, art and community-based programs.

Quote of the Day: Overseer does not mean the person is over the others looking down; it means he is among the others looking over (1 Tim. 3:1-7; Titus 1:7-9). Leaders are to "keep watch [looking out] over your souls" (Heb. 13:17).
Neil Cole. Organic Leadership: Leading Naturally Right Where You Are (p. 90).

Strategic nature of cities, John Piper, short video

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