Sunday, September 23, 2012

Community Center Kick-Off this Week

At church today, we handed out 400 flyers and 14 small posters to be posted next to stores and businesses.

Here's the graphic, designed by Samuel.  Sure is great to have a resident artist in the church!

Don't forget to hit the banner of this blog to take you to many other older posts...I've been posting pretty much every day lately, so if you haven't seen some posts, go ahead and catch up!

Short video by Francis Chan below.

Quote of the Day:   I am not suggesting that we all be in charge. I am suggesting that none of us be in charge. Jesus has earned the right to sit at the top, and all of us should be under his command. He is in charge. If everyone does what is right in their Lord's eyes, we will not have anarchy but a perfectly balanced and coordinated body acting as one. The problem may be that often Christ-followers place more faith in their own ability to lead than in Jesus's leading. This is a serious problem.

Neil Cole. Organic Leadership: Leading Naturally Right Where You Are (p. 89)..

Suffering Reproach like Jesus, Francis Chan

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