Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Spiritual Dynamics and Theft

We have been seeing an incredible response to the gospel lately.  Last Thursday, on the first night of a new evangelistic outreach, 36 women attended.  This past Sunday new people were in attendance.  The church, already at between 80 and 90 people, is the midst of another growth spurt.  Sendero 1, the first church, is also growing.

Not so surprising, then, that there have been happenings that have been unusual, attacks if you will.  I'm not one to mention such things lightly.  Such periods of life are not the norm, they are the exception.  They are exceptional.  They are special in the sense that they indicate progress.  But they can be challenging, these times.

Earlier today (Tuesday) Mayra drove our new van, a 2012 Dodge Journey, to the pharmacy about a mile from our house to purchase medicine for Daniel.  He's been throwing up today, in rather colorful, spectacular fashion I might add (but will refrain from going in detail).  The van was purchased about a month ago thanks to a special gift from a supporter.  It was to take us from Mexico City to Colorado to Michigan to Pennsylvania, to New Jersey to Pennsylvania, then back to Mexico City.  That's quite a road trip.

As Mayra got out of the van, she felt a presence behind her, almost like an embrace, and thought that perhaps one of the members of the church was messing with her.  Then she saw the gun.  Two men, boys really, around 18 or 20 years old, were asking her for the van key.  And her billfold.

Those of you who do not know my wife very well may think that she is all love and tenderness.  But she confessed she was tempted to fight, but then God gave her a more sensible response, and she surrendered the keys and her small purse.  And just like that, our car was gone.

Reflecting about the events of this day later this evening, Mayra said that today went perfectly with the verse she taught for devotions this morning with the women.  Psalms 27:1, Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.

There were a lot of good things about this.  We didn't have any other keys on the key ring.  Daniel had taken off the house key last night when he went with José to pick me up at the airport at midnight.  We didn't leave any valuables in the van, except for a bunch of Casting Crowns and Third Day CDs.

Here's a picture that we sent on a "thank you" card to the friends who gave us the donation for the vehicle.

Tomorrow or the next day I'll try to write on the awesome conference at Leroy Community Chapel this past weekend.

1 comment:

annette gulick said...

We really feel for you! May the peace of Christ stand guard around your hearts so fear and discouragement don't get a foothold and distract you from the LOVE and care that God has for you.