Monday, February 20, 2012

The Importance of a Graphic Identity Part 1

One cool thing about having an artist on the ministry team here is being able to incorporate art in all sorts of ways. I've been learning about the importance of a "graphic identity," that is, visual images that help the community identify who we are as a congregation. Although I have a natural aversion to mixing marketing and ministry, I have realized the importance of effectively communicating who we are and what we represent.  We don't want to be confused with Mormons of JWs, and a logo and mascot help tremendously in promoting the many events that we do here.

A brand helps do that.  A brand is the identity of a specific product, service, or business. A brand can take many forms, including a name, sign, symbol, color combination or slogan.  The word brand has continued to evolve to encompass identity - it affects the personality of a product, company or service.  I didn't study any of this in school...Samuel has been instrumental in teaching me much of this.  

Eugene Peterson has written extensively about the importance of understanding your ministry culture, and the unique soul soil composition of your congregations place. Culture, climate and geography all enter in, as well as more obvious aspects, such as religious orientation, family traditions and national history.

 The first church in Santa Bárbara actually chose our church name from a short list of options. I believe they made a good choice. The name Iglesia Bíblica Sendero de Vida, or Path of Life Bible Church, is not a common name for a church (there are lots of Good Shepherd, New Life, and The Way churches), and it also reflects, in a way, where we live. There is a big, new Sendero shopping mall in Ixtapaluca. Our identities are certainly very different, but the name is common enough to be identifiable. The two main concepts that are encapsulated in the logo are two priorities of the church...Way (Path) and Life. The tagline for the church is seguiendo los pasos de Jesús or "following in Jesus' steps, implying discipleship and obedience.
Colors matter as well. Blue and green are more formal, institutional colors, that communicate a more formal organization.

 In choosing a logo for our community center ministry, we kicked around a number of concepts, and chose the title Tiempo de Vivir, or Time for Life or Time to Live, depending on how you'd want to translate the phrase. The tagline is Da más vida a tu vida, or Give/Add more life to your life. The logo is reflects a sun dial on the top of a water tower directly in front of the market where the community center is located.

More later about mascots and visual images for individual ministries within the community center!

1 comment:

Luis said...

Ese SAmuel le pone, le quita, le da a los logotipos...caray!!!