Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 5 of our involvement in Valle de Chalco

What a difference a day makes! We arrived at our usual spot surrounded by the hustle and bustle of traffic. The highway opened today at 6:15 a.m.

We see the free breakfast part of our outreach coming to an end where we have been for the last several days, and will likely relocate to an area even harder hit by the flooding, now that these areas are accessible by car. The streets were full of mountains of garbage, including large pieces of furniture, clothing, toys and just about anything else you can imagine, ruined by the "black" water.

Our next phase of outreach will involve distributing clorox, water and boxes of food to neighborhoods that still haven't received a whole lot of help via the government, although today state and municipal police and social workers were out in force, giving vaccinations, cleaning up streets and giving out an occasional bottle of Clorox.

For an update in Spanish, click HERE.

For a video of yesterday's effort, click HERE. Yesterday I did not personally go to Chalco, as I had to preach (on 1 Sam. 5-6; interesting passage!), but Mayra went with the Cottrill family and others.

Oh, did I mention that I got sick today? A nasty case of stomach flu or something that knocked me out for a while this afternoon. I feel a bit better now, but still weak. Jim Cottrill also is battling another one of his famous migraines, so pray for both of us.

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