Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First Day of School yesterday

Yesterday was the kids' first day of school. This year they're all in the same elementary school. David, as usual, was in character for this picture.

After dropping off the kids at school and taking part in a brief opening ceremony (check Jim and Shari Cottrill's blog "Finding Direction" for more details, link on bottom left), I took Alberto to Puebla. Alberto starts another semester of studies this week after a half a year break. Please pray for him.

A special treat...sharing a cup of coffee with the Casteels at...where else, Starbucks, in Puebla.

Quote of the Day:
Indeed, as often as not, matters of appearance threaten to take the place of substance. In the persistent preoccupation with surfaces and appearances, God and matters of ultimate concern simply disappear. It is a fearful idolatry and the immediate judgment that is being visited upon us is that our culture has become shallow, cheap and vulgar. David Wells, Above all Earthly Powers, p.47

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