Monday, June 23, 2008


Yesterday we did something a bit different in church. After our discipleship studies, instead of a normal sermon we invited different members of the church to be involved in giving testimonies, singing songs, reading poems, etc... At the end of the service we commissioned Adriana and Alejandra for a summer missions program, that begins this coming weekend. It was a really neat time.

Our service went like this:
Servicio de Adoración

Saludos y Ofrenda
“Qué sería de mí”, por Laura y Mónica
Testimonio: Aurora
Poema, “Carta a Jesucristo, mi Señor; Mayra
Tiempo de exaltación de nuestro Señor
Lectura “Él sólo te entiende” Tania
Testimonio: Sandra
“Enamórame” y “Llueve en mi” Adriana y Gerardo
Lectura: Una leccion de la fisica, Alejandra
Testimonio: Melissa
Encomendar a Adriana Martínez y Alejandra Escalera al servicio del Señor a través del ministerio infantil por 4 semanas este verano en el programa “Misioneros de Verano”.
Tiempo de oración
Anuncios especiales

Sunday evening we had a special "Goodbye" time for Melissa Roberts, who has been here for about a month, and returns to the U.S. on Tuesday...with of course the customary 3-leches cake. Lots of fun! We've appreciated Melissa's ministry to us during her time here.

We are gearing up for the reception of Ashley and Ken on Friday, 5 CAM interns on Saturday, then 9 Uncharted Waters sports people on Sunday...our summer busy time has almost begun! Mayra and I are going over the multiple housing, transportation and food details today.

1 comment:

M Roberts said...

i'm home! i had a wonderful time, hard to leave. Lord willing, i'll be back again soon. thanks again for the 3-leches.