Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Two big projects and other news

I'm currently working with Samuel and Luis, our two resident artists, on two big projects. This evening I'm going to record a little blurb in MP3 format to insert in a 30-40 second animated piece that Samuel and Luis are almost finished with to promote this summer's internship program. I've seen some of it already...it is really cool. Featured in the animation...Brigam, Vina, Rod, Charles, Rachel D., Rachel F., Jonathan, Jessica, Alberto and maybe a couple of others.

The other project is the one I recently wrote about...an evangelistic, abstract, culturally relevant painting project to use during our trip to Spain.

You may have noticed in Facebook that I've been "tired" and "reeling" lately. We've been going through some unfortunate and rather stressful circumstances lately both at a national church level and most recently at a local church level here in Sendero de Vida. By God's grace we are beginning to work through some of these issues, and we thank God for good, sensitive attitudes on the part of those involved. Yes, I'm being vague...but thanks for your prayers anyway!

BTW, Brigam hopes to return to Ixtapaluca very soon, after a trip to Oaxaca down south from Feb. 16-23. He desires to spend some extended time here learning Spanish and helping me with English classes...maybe as long as 5 months...or maybe the rest of his life, who knows?

This morning David ate some toast with "cajeta" or Mexican caramel on it. Managed to get it all over his sleeve too. Not sure if his teacher will necessarily appreciate his extra sugar intact this morning!

Thanks to Word of Life Chapel, our home church, for an offering of $1000 towards our Spain trip! Awesome!

Oh, and by the way, I just heard from Toby our field treasure that another $3000+ has come in for relief work in Tabasco. How about that! We'll be able to buy some bigger products, like mattresses or construction supplies.

O.k., I'll quit rambling.

1 comment:

Francesca Marie Acero said...

I'm really curious as to what I would look like in cartoon form... ;o)
Hope you're doing well today, Rod. You're in my prayers!
And, btw, way to spice up the English class with a little Jeopardy! You make me proud!
Lucky me, I am on call today to be drilled in my class. I'm gonna go back to preparing for that... *sigh*