Monday, September 09, 2013

Land, Mobility and Migraines

So much to write much that is difficult to express and explain in such a small space. I'll summarize.

As far as our property development, the neighbors for no good reason have been opposing progress at every step. At some point I'll write about this extensively, but for now, let's just say that we covet your prayers, and that God is teaching us many things about His will and His ways. (Btw...His ways are higher than ours, and not always understood by us!). Some of what has happened is so ridiculous as to be funny, and I've laughed quite a bit, when I'm not shaking my head!

Oh, if anyone would want to send money, we'd love that. A bag of concrete costs about $8. We need 120 bags. Among other things. If you're thinking about it, just do it. A bag of concrete isn't exactly a cup of cold water, but I imagine the reward will be similiar.

So...if you're reading this I'd encourage you to step outside of your world (mentally and spiritual at least) and say to yourself, "Wow, this is an excellent opportunity to help a ministry that I know God is using.

Today I took another 4 wheelchairs to a house in Ayotla, a neighborhood near here. On Wednesday we'll be distributing 7 chairs to needy people in that area. Cool how wheelchairs open doors, and in this case, a whole neighborhood. The doctor that is the contact person there said that word is getting around, and people are stopping him on the street asking about the free wheelchairs.

I just had a great conversation about all things Christian, and particularly about Jesus with them in their house today. Really neat talk. I told them that we'll begin the event on Wednesday with a devotional time. No problema with that, they said. Actually, I think they want to hear more.

So many thoughts about the place of the Christian community as we interact with society and politics.

IN OTHER NEWS...the reason why I have such cute kids had a birthday yesterday! Felicidades Mayra! We love you, and hope you had a great day with your family and church family.

And Daniel, after months of no problems, had another migraine attack last night. The whole aurora, talking nonesense, parts of his arm and hand going asleep. Wild stuff. Fortunately it is not very often. Below, a picture shortly after his first migraine attack, back in late 2011. After his MRI I remember mentioning to him that at least we verified conclusively that he did in fact have a brain! I know, gift of mercy coming out of me again.

Quote of the Day: What are the small temptations in your life? To become reliable in the big things, you have to practice reliability in the small ones. To become pure in the big things, you have to practice purity in the small ones. If you haven't started practicing yet, now is the time. Pray for strength and begin.
J. Budziszewski. How to Stay Christian in College (Kindle Locations 154-156).

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