Monday, March 18, 2013

Egg Hunt

It's been a crazy weekend. I'm still recovering! Fortunately the kids didn't have school today in honor of national hero Benito Juarez's birthday, who served as Mexico's reforming president back around the time of Abraham Lincoln.

I mentioned before, I think, that Tiffany and Tina organized a mega-easter egg hunt, an evangelistic outreach for our community that included painting hard boiled eggs, putting colorful frosting on sugar cookies and a frantic hunt for around 1200 plastic eggs, with candy inside. A lady from the church, Joseline, presented the gospel to the kids before releasing them into the area in front of the community center.

Can you see the bird right in front of the pink egg in the tree below?

The Grosses and Netzleys return to Indiana today after a great 10 days in Mexico. We had a goodbye party for them last encouraging to hear from everyone how the Lord has worked in all of our lives during this past week or so. Zach finished out his time with us playing several board games with Charles and me last the wee hours of the morning! More on that later. Too much to write about, not enough time or energy!!

Quote of the Day: A recent Gallup poll reported that 94 percent of Americans claim to believe in God or a universal spirit. However, a quick glance at Scripture and our culture makes it plainly obvious that nowhere near 94 percent actually know God. I mean, really know him—intimately. Belief isn’t the same as personal knowledge. For many people, the very idea that you could know God on a relational level seems unlikely, unrealistic, unattainable.
Groeschel, Craig  The Christian Atheist: When You Believe in God But Live as if He Doesn't Exist (p. 33).

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