Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Video Closing Program

Thanks Jim, once again, for a video record of our time last Friday evening (below).  Great times!  Check out Jim and Shari Cottrill's blog for more news on what's happening here. Also Tina Barham's blog.

We are happy to have Miguel and Iris back in Jesús María after several months of living elsewhere.  We had our men's study in their house last Saturday evening.  Below, a picture of their four kids.

Stephen Predtechenskis' time here is almost up!  Three months have gone by fast.  Looking forward to a combination posada/despedida this coming Sunday.

Quote of the Day: The designation "brothers" puts us all on the same plane; notice we are not categorized as elder or younger brothers just brothers, with Christ as our Master. This metaphor of brotherhood ties us together as distinct but equals. Brotherhood and sisterhood connects us interdependently each playing an important role but also needing each other in order for the family to function.
Duane Elmer. Cross-Cultural Servanthood: Serving the World in Christlike Humility (Kindle Locations 1206-1208). 

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