Mayra has been at a retreat since Friday afternoon, and the wear and tear of being Mr. Mom is beginning to show. Fortunately for me (and the house!) Elisa, one of our interns from San Luis Potosí, kept the kids this morning while I was at a circuit meeting, and even cleaned up the house a bit. Dominos provided lunch.
Mayra texted me Saturday evening saying that she was at a campfire. I am sure glad she has had an opportunity to escape her daily/weekly routine. It's perhaps not common knowledge, but Mayra easily does more than me in a given week. And I'm not just talking about work around the house. She has more discipleship Bible studies a week than I do, more overall ministry activities for which she is responsible. The title for this weekend's conference, given by friend Becky Baron Muñoz, is "I'm not Superwoman!" Well, maybe Mayra is!
I bowed out of two activities Saturday rehearsal for worship music Sunday morning and men's meeting. I finished my sermon and didn't want to leave the kids here alone. Good to have great guys you can count on to fill in!
Today's passage, Philippians 1:12-18. Not a deep, theological passage, very practical really, but as always, there's more there than initially meets the eye. Looking forward to delving in tomorrow. I'll be using the embedded video below as part of the introduction to the sermon.
Quote of the Day: Jesus is so different from us. With the task of taking the gospel to the world, he wandered through the streets and byways of Israel looking for a few men. Don’t misunderstand me— Jesus was anything but casual about his mission. He was initiating a revolution, but his revolution would not revolve around the masses or the multitudes. Instead it would revolve around a few men. It would not revolve around garnering a certain position. Instead it would revolve around choosing a few people. He would intentionally shun titles, labels, plaudits, and popularity in his plan to turn the course of history upside down. All he wanted was a few men who would think as he did, love as he did, see as he did, teach as he did, and serve as he did. All he needed was to revolutionize the hearts of a few, and they would impact the world.
Platt, David Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream (p. 88).
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