Saturday, June 18, 2011

Baptisms tomorrow

We're excited about tomorrow, celebrating a service that is one of my favorites--baptisms. No baptistery here, no, we go public (think ancient Newsboys song) and travel about an hour away to a water park. After some singing, a brief devotional, and hearing a short testimony from each of the baptismal candidates, we take a 15 minute break to get into our swim gear, and head to the pool.

There have been times in the past that, depending on how busy the pool is, we have to, little by little, establish a perimeter with our bodies! Once we've claimed our section of pool, we baptize the new believers.

This year, we hope to baptize over 20 people (23 if everyone goes) from both churches, which is the most we've ever it's going to be an exciting day!

One of the challenges is always transportation. This year, one of the new believers (saved about 2 months ago) was able to (somehow) get the municipality to loan us a 40 passenger bus, so that will help!

I've included a couple pictures of baptisms that have taken place over the years, including one a LONG time ago, way back in 2002, of Laura, Martín's wife, getting baptized.

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