Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Backstage with Nick Vujicic

This past Sunday afternoon Mayra and Cathy met Mayra's mother and sister Monica at the Metropolitan Theater downtown Mexico City for a special night of hearing Nick Vijicic share his life story. It was particularly special for Monica, as she has been confined to a wheelchair since the age of 6. Because of this, Monica and Mayra were allowed to move to the very front row of the theater.

Nick's story was inspirational. He has written a book called Life without Limbs, which, translated into Spanish, is Life without Limits. Mayra also was touched deeply by Nick's testimony of life-long struggle, yet victory, and his persistent faith in God.

Nick is apparently from Australia, and shared his testimony in English, which was then translated live. Both Mayra and Monica were able to understand Nick speaking in his native tongue.

After the concert ended, a series of remarkable events permitted Mayra and Mony to be backstage with Nick. They conversed at length, and Nick asked if he could include Monica's story in his next book! Quite the night for both of them.

1 comment:

pureNRGlover94 said...

LUCKY!! I really like Nick's story I was just saying I wish I could see him speak at Creation Northwest!