Monday, July 20, 2009

Time at Bible Fellowship Community Church

Our time with Bible Fellowship Community Church was great! Unfortunately, we weren't all able to go. David started with a fever Friday night, and still has it, although he appears to be getting better. All night Saturday night, he was awake and really hot. So Mayra stayed home with David and I went with Daniel and Cathy. Yesterday was the church's first annual church picnic in a beautiful park in western PA, off Rt. 70.

It was encouraging to talk to Pastor Mike and his son Chris, who are both church planters, really, working with a new grew of people in a new church that started the end of last year. But the grow is alive, and growing, and God has blessed and is blessing them. It was a privilege to participate in their church fellowship yesterday, and we're looking forward to many years of relationship with this church.

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