Friday, January 23, 2009


Our annual Fellowship Conference speaker from 2007 mentioned he was reading at that time a book called Epicenter, by Joel Rosenberg. I first bought the book in Spanish and gave it to a man in the church, then my mother bought the book at my recommendation and read it. She gave her copy to me, which I read with interest.

Joel Rosenberg's main thesis is that we are seeing the prophecies of Gog and Magog beginning to be fulfilled now. Most escatological schemes that I've seen and studied put the battle of Gog and Magog at the end of the Millenium, at at least after the tribulation. Rosenberg's book promotes the idea that the prophecies of Ezekiel 38,39 are being fulfilled now...or at the very least, we are seeing clear indications in world events that certainly lend themselves to the Ezekiel prophecies.

What was intriguing to me is that, as Rosenberg points out, Iraq is not mentioned in the Russian alliance mentioned in Ezekiel. He thinks that the Babylon mentioned in prophecy will be the actual capital of Iraq, that Babylon is Bagdad, and that Iraq will quickly rise to become a significant force in the middle east.

Whether you agree with Rosenberg or not, the book makes for an interesting read. He also talks about the extreme prosperity prophecied for Israel. Could this be oil? Or maybe natural gas?

You can follow Rosenberg's musing at his blog.
Guess what, looks like Israel just discovered huge natural gas reserves. Hmmm.
You also might want to check out an interview Rosenberg did on the Glenn Beck show. Click HERE.

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