Monday, December 08, 2008

What a Weekend!

Well, it was a crazy weekend, with the fun starting Friday night, with a rehearsal at our house for the Christmas play. Then Saturday I drove to Puebla for a 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Puebla Seminary Board meeting. That meeting ended extremely well, with brisket, frijoles charros and cheesy potatos...thanks Marcy Oliver. I drove home with Alberto, changed clothes and went with Mayra and Adriana to Neza, about 45 minutes from here, for a 15-b-day celebration, a quinceaños celebration. Adriana's cousin Paty had been present for a 15años celebration where I gave the talk/devo, and wanted the same thing. Her whole family was there, plus friends. After the talk on Eccles. 11-12, we ate mixiotes, a boiled piece of pork with all sorts of spices and hot peppers...actually very tasty.

Then back home...where we were invited by a neighbor to eat pulpo en su tinta, which is squid in its own ink. Actually tastes much better than you may suspect! I wasn't very hungry, after just eating two mixiotes, but sometimes you just have to sacrifice so as not to offend the neighbors. Dulce, one of our neighbor's girls, had a birthday. Gerardo, her dad, works in the administration of a seafood/fish market. Always good seafood.

About halfway through my squid I became a bit nervous thinking about Sunday. I was invited to preach at the 16th anniversary of a Baptist church, the church where my suegra and cuñada attend. The service went well, although I've certainly preached better sermons. Sunday afternoon...celebrating my father-in-law's birthday at my in-laws house, until around 5. At 5, we were pleased to attend an appreciation dinner, honoring our Mexican co-workers who minister with us and other CAM missionaries in Mexico City. My job was the MC the event. Mauricio Perez, a Mexican pastor from Queretaro, gave the devotional. His address was meaningful and humorous! We returned home last night around 12 midnight. And slept. Actually took the kids to school two hours later today because we thought it was cruel and unusual punishment to get them (and us!) up at 6:40 a.m.!

Picture below: Mayra and I with quinceañera Paty and her mothers Connie and little brother.

Hmm...I just re-read this post and there seems to be an inordinate amount of attention given to food. Why would that be??

1 comment:

Alan & Beth McManus said...

a little more to the left there Rod...your belly just about doesn't fit into the dilemma I don't think addressed in my missions/cultural anthropology course...what if you were forced to commit gluttony b/c of your cultural sensitivity? Hmmm...I think you did the right thing. Why didn't you invite me? ha-ha!