Monday, November 03, 2008

Of Visas and such...

Today was a day high in learning, mostly self-learning. I won't get into all of that, suffice it to say that I felt like the king of Babylon receiving a message written by a finger on the wall.

I took all of my present and past visa papers to Juan Piza today...met at a subway stop. His hope (and mine!) is that we can resurrect my old visa so we don't have to start the whole process from scratch (tedious to say the least).

Had a great church service was good to see everyone again.

Samuel loves his laptop...thanks Jon!

Our kids have an insane amount of homework, but what's new?

We are currently car-less until there's some movement with my visa, so we're doing the best we can walking places and using public transportation. We'll be doing that for probably a week at least, until we get some clarity with the visa.

Sometimes I really wish that life wouldn't be so complicated. Those of you that have a life that isn't ridiculously complicated, with unreasonable teachers giving illogical and insane amounts of homework, living in a society that generally functions...and you are not a stranger or a foreigner there, well, give thanks to God. Of course, a complicated life has it's advantages. You can learn so much about yourself, and God.

Quote of the Day:
Un hombre envuelto en sí mismo hace un bulto muy pequeño. -Benjamín Franklin

1 comment:

Alan & Beth McManus said...

I've found that it's generally true that the problem with learning about myself is that I then have to live with that new-found knowledge...the same knowledge that others around me have undoubtedly been struggling to live with all along.