Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Barnabas, what an example he was

Barnabas the mobilizer

Traits that every missionary and mobilizer should have.

I. An Encourager.

A. Acts 4:32-36

B. Barnabas had a positive, forward-thinking attitude about him. He sought to encourage, not discourage. He saw possibilities, not obstacles. He saw challenges, not problems.

II. A Risk-taker with People.

A. Acts 9:26-28

B. Barnabas was willing to trust people when others were not. He instinctively knew when someone was genuinely interested in serving God, even when others did not believe, or were unwilling to help. He helped Paul and John Mark have effective ministries.

III. Barnabas was Humble.

A. Acts 13:1-7; 44-47

B. The people we help in their journey could end up being more gifted and more greatly used in the kingdom than we are. It took one chapter for the team to go from being called Barnabas and Paul to being called Paul and Barnabas.

IV. Barnabas extended Grace and provided Second Chances.

A. Acts 15:36-41

B. Barnabas never became impatient with the failures and imperfections of others, but continued to see the potential in someone in the Lord’s service.

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