Tomorrow we begin a three-day mobilization summit to evaluate our short-term program as a mission and seek ways to make it better and make it grow. Mark and Michelle Fittz are coming from Honduras, Mike Glick from Guatemala, and Susan, Voltaire and Brad from CAM Dallas. This graphic is what we used for the program this past summer in Mexico...and will very likely make it a permanent name for the program here in Mexico. Should be a good time. I'm going to help with the worship times as well as lead parts of the meeting. I'm also kinda enjoying having a week off of preaching...it's been a while!
Today I took public transportation up to my in-laws house...it took me three hours because of horrendous traffic, pluh having to go in buses and the subway. I so admire so many Mexicans who have to endure horrendous traffic almost every day of the week!
Tonight several of us men meet to further plan our Day of Life activity, basically a Halloween alternative event. We are turning the church into a maze; last Thursday we nailed down the concepts that we want to present...tonight we talk about lighting, sound and construction. Should be an incredible event, and very evangelistic.
1 comment:
The name's good, but you better do something about that logo, because we plan to keep on inviting Canadians (and maybe a few other nationalities as well)! :)
Have a great meeting.
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