Yesterday I had the opportunity to preach at Harvest Bible, Mexico City, doing pulpit supply for a week while good friend Toño Muñoz was in Chicago. Great church! Encouraging time! We saw many friends that we hadn't seen for way too long.
Afterwards, Toño and Becky invited us to a new restaurant in the area...IHOP!
If you'd like to visit them, they are currently renting a facility at the following address: Canal Nacional #2408, Col. San Andrés Tomatlán, Del. Iztapalapa, D.F.
Victor Monterroso is with us as well...we picked him up on Saturday, and he's doing an internship with us through he beginning of June. Victor lives in Boston, and was volunteering at the marathon, located a street away from the finish line. He heard and felt the bombings.
Last night, a game of Power Grid. Fun! Thanks, Charles Wright, for introducing that game to us (as you have with many games).
Quote of the Day: Performance causes us to focus on the “big” things and only do what is highly visible or significant. Service allows us to do simple, humble, and menial tasks— the “little things”— knowing that the peasant Jewish carpenter we worship equally appreciates them both. Paul models this for us by serving those who read his letter, including us, in love.
Driscoll, Mark Who Do You Think You Are?: Finding Your True Identity in Christ (p. 62).
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