Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving and Sodium

After suffering for a couple of days at a beach in Veracruz, Mexico, our family was headed home, but then I got this nostalgic feeling of potentially missing a turkey dinner and a football game.  So rumor had it that the Prusia family in Puebla were putting on a big thanksgiving shindig, so we headed to their house.  Sure enough, there was turkey and ice cream to spare (Puebla people, we owe you one!).

After watching a pathetic first half, Tom Basile (an avid Giants fan, but a Christian, or so he says) gave a great devo from Luke 15 (or was it 16).  He talked, mainly, about death.  Really an upbeat talk.  No, actually it was.  Previous to his very spiritual devo, he told me a very good not-so-spiritual joke that I can't wait to repeat. we're back home.  I've been experiencing some ringing in my ears, some signs of possible high blood pressure, no big deal, but I think I may have to start watching my salt intake.  So I checked the Pringles (actually Lays, but basically the same as Pringles) that I was eating on the way back home.  6 chips is the serving size, and it gives you a whopping 200 mg. of sodium!  Might have to watch my snack food intake.  Feeling a bit mortal.  Or as Tom said tonight...just dying slowly!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Quote of the Day: Jesus fits comfortably into all cultures, but we have to learn how to express him in the local context. Only when we show openness toward everyone in the new culture, demonstrate acceptance, build trust and learn from others can we hope to portray a Christ who will look more like the local people than us-more Balinese among the Balinese, more Chinese among the Chinese, more Chilean among the Chileans, and more Zambian among the Zambians. Doing such requires enormous change on our part. Such transformation, such contextualization does not occur naturally But the effort is worth it.
Duane Elmer. Cross-Cultural Servanthood: Serving the World in Christlike Humility (Kindle Locations 1092-1095).

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