Friday, November 09, 2012

Property and Non-Profits

14 people in prayer meeting today...good start to the day. We continued to pray about a property for the church, this time with renewed fervor, as we can put attach a picture to our prayers. More on this exciting development when we've progressed a bit more.

One secondary impact to this whole property issue is the need to formalize our own religious association. There are a lot of different reasons for this, that I won't go into, but it would allow the property to be purchased by the Mexican equivalent of a nonprofit, instead of an individual.

 Once again I need to get back to writing...intentionally sitting down and recording all the wild and wonderful, challenging and heartbreaking events in the life of a normal family, trying to live for an extraordinary Savior. 

Oh, by the way, we need to raise about $25,000 in the next 6 months.

The Problem with Religion, by Mark Driscoll

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